Huge new update live on Android and iOS app stores today!
Here is a quick rundown of what's new:
Sub Packs (Pro only): You can now create sub-packs for an easier way to add items to your packs. Enjoy!
Auto-consumable items: All items marked as 'Water', 'Snack', or 'Meal' will now be automatically marked as consumable when added to a pack.
Direct email link: A link has been added to the settings menu to allow you to send us direct emails.
Sub-packs have been a highly requested feature. With sub-packs, you can create groupings of items so that you can add them all to a pack at once. This eliminates the need to add each item individually. Some examples of sub-packs you might create include a medical kit or a sleep system.
When adding gear to a pack, you will now see two tabs: "Gear Locker Items" and "Sub Packs". The "Gear Locker Items" tab is the same as before, listing all of your individual gear locker items. The "Sub Packs" tab will only show packs that you have created and designated as sub-packs. To add a sub-pack to your pack, simply tap on it. All of the gear in that sub-pack will be added to your pack with a single tap.
Right now I have one Sub Pack, for my Photography Gear. When I tap the Photography Sub Pack it will add all my Photography gear to my pack. See my Sub Pack Below:
I made it so you have to designate a Sub Pack so that the sub pack list didn't get over crowded with every pack that you have ever created and only shows ones that you would use as a Sub Pack.
To designate a Sub Pack you can just select the Sub Pack Option when creating or editing a pack. Since I added another option I also cleaned up the pack creation and pack editing view and replaced the ugly toggles with boxes. Its not quite where I want it but its better then it was before. Expect some more tweaks in the weeks and months ahead.