loneranger650 nice! Website says updated June 15th!

I would still call the Rangers and double check before going, but that looks decent!

6 days later

First off Congratulations on your engagement. Epic spot for it! Any idea how many campsites there were with views of the ocean like that or was that the only one? Either way looks like a great drive!

    Billy First off Congratulations on your engagement. Epic spot for it!

    Thanks so much and welcome to Seek Adventure!

    Billy Any idea how many campsites there were with views of the ocean like that or was that the only one?

    While driving up I added some markers on my Caltopo map here as red dots as possible campsites. From that map, it looks like there are at least 3 that I marked down while driving up:

    There were probably a couple more that I didn't mark so maybe a total of 3-5 on that ridge with ocean views like the one in my picture.

    Hi Mike, thanks so much for all this info. I have an AWD vehicle and I'm new to finding dispersed sites to set up camp, can you provide an estimate of how many miles you had to drive from the turn-off off the 1 onto Willow Creek Rd all the way to where you started to see promising spots in your last photo (red dot sites)? Thank you!

      momotr0n can you provide an estimate of how many miles you had to drive from the turn-off off the 1 onto Willow Creek Rd all the way to where you started to see promising spots in your last photo (red dot sites)?

      The entire drive once you turn off highway 1 onto Willow Creek Road was about 7.6 miles to the end where I camped. The entire ridgeline is about 2-3 miles long.

      You can see a map on Caltopo that I made just for this route here.

      a month later

      Hi Mike, two friends and I are planning a road trip-- we were planning on camping at Pewitt Ridge until I saw this post (thank you so much, by the way). It definitely seems a little less overcrowded! Would you say 4wd is necessary? I have a rear wheel drive Ford Ranger with decent clearance.

        whayward Would you say 4wd is necessary? I have a rear wheel drive Ford Ranger with decent clearance.

        I would say yes 4-wheel drive is required, but I am pretty cautious about this.

        High clearance definitely helps out but won't solve all the issues. The couple we helped "rescue" on our trip didn't have high clearance, but that is not why they got stuck. They got stuck because they didn't have a lot of traction and their car was only 2-wheel drive.

        It is pretty remote and you will probably not have cell service if you get stuck. The trail conditions change pretty rapidly and the last bit gets pretty steep a little before the place I camped at.

        I would not say its less crowded than Prewitt Ridge though. They are both pretty popular.

        6 months later
        2 months later


        Does anyone have an update on this closure?

        The ranger website lists it as still being closed but it does not state why.
        Is it closed due to physical damage from the storm or closed just due to concerns about the illegal activities up there?

        Hoping it will reopen soon...

          TBarr I don't have any real updates on the closure. I know there was another road collapse on highway 1 in late January.

          For the most up to date information I would recommend calling the Monterey Ranger District phone number:

          Monterey Ranger District

          (831) 385-5434 X 0

          (phones answered Mon-Fri 8-430)

          5 days later

          TBarr I have been researching for a trip this May and just found out this closure is part of the Dolan Fire closure that is in place until at least May 21, 2021.

          4 months later

          Hi everyone! I noticed on the Monterey Ranger District website that Forest Road No. 23S01 (Los Burros/Willow Creek Road) is open now. I would assume that means the restrictions from the Dolan Fire Closure have been lifted?


            MikeA I noticed on the Monterey Ranger District website that Forest Road No. 23S01 (Los Burros/Willow Creek Road) is open now. I would assume that means the restrictions from the Dolan Fire Closure have been lifted?

            I would think so, but to be safe I always recommend to call the ranger office there: (831) 385-5434 X 0

            9 days later

            Hey Mike!
            Loved the article, was so informative and congrats on the engagement! I wanted to see if you know if there are other spots like the one you found along the road. (Also is dispersed camping legally allowed? I tried calling the rangers office, but I think they changed their phone number and I had no luck reaching the Monterey Bay Rangers Office. Guess I'm outta luck sadly.)

              JennyH I wanted to see if you know if there are other spots like the one you found along the road.

              Welcome to the website and glad you found the article helpful. There are a number of locations along the road to pull off and camp. If you look at the map I posted in one of the comments you can see I even marked some as I drove past, but those are not all of them.

              For the rangers office, they probably are not there all time. I recommend trying different times during the week.

              Thanks for the reply, I'll definitely use this during our trip. One last question - I'm always worried about people messing with our campsite, what was your experience like when you went hiking and such? Appreciate it!

                JennyH Thanks for the reply, I'll definitely use this during our trip.

                No problem! When you come back, please share how your experience was! The most recent info is always beneficial to the community.

                JennyH I'm always worried about people messing with our campsite, what was your experience like when you went hiking and such?

                This was my biggest worry as well. I can not make any guarantees for you, but we had no issues while we were there. We did not leave anything really other than our tent though, and we kept everything clean.

                @JennyH if you were planning to go this weekend for memorial day, looks like things are probably closed.

                California just closed all National Forest in the state yesterday...

                All national forests in California closed to visitors. No Labor Day camping, hiking, biking

                • "With fires raging across the state, the USDA Forest Service is closing all 20 million acres of California’s national forests to public access for two weeks beginning Tuesday."
                • "In an announcement Monday, the Forest Service said the closure will extend through at least Sept. 17."
                • Closure starts Tuesday Aug 31st at noon

                Source: Sacramento Bee

                Wow, what a bummer! I'll have to check this spot out when things clear up and I'll let everyone know how it goes then. Thanks again for the info, Mike 🙂