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The Pack List view in Don't Forget the Spoon (DFTS) is the where you view, and create packs. A pack is where you can add your gear from your Gear Locker to view total weights and analyze other pack statistics for your hiking or backpacking pack. This is what the Pack List view looks like once you have added a couple of packs to the app:
Creating a Pack
To create a pack in DFTS, click the large '+' button in the bottom right:
Once you click the '+' a new screen will pop up where you can enter the Pack Name and the Pack Description. The Pack Name is a required field. The Pack Description is optional and can be left blank.
Once you have filled out this form click the large 'Create Pack' button to save your new pack to your Pack List!
Filter and Search Pack List
Once you create a number of packs in DFTs you may want to find a specific pack quickly that is in your list. Fortunately we have a way to quickly filter your list to find the pack you need quickly!
On the Pack List screen just tap the search icon at the top:
Once you tap the search icon a search bar will appear:
As you type in this search bar the Pack List will automatically filter below. The search bar will filter packs based on the pack name and the pack description.