MLWRIGHT I think this should finally be solved now. Hopefully you wont see it again :-)

New update pushed out today! Live now on Android, and should be live on iOS in the next 24-48 hours. This has been an update I have personally been wanting for awhile now. I have a lot of packs and sub packs now, and wanted to clean up up my pack list..... So now you can archive packs!

Archiving a pack removes it from your Pack List, but still keeps it available for other to view if its a public pack. You can also archive sub packs if you do not want them cluttering your main view, and you will still be able to add them to packs.

To archive a pack just click the 3 dots in the upper right while viewing a pack, and select "Archive Pack"

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Once a pack is archived, you can go to settings and there is an option to view all archived packs. You can edit packs straight from that list or you can tap the un-archive button to bring it back to your main list.

Archiving packs is only available to pro subscribers since free users can only have 5 packs at this time.

a month later

Pushing to the app stores right now is our latest update! Should be live in Android App Store today and maybe even the apple app store (Apple has been getting quicker at reviews).

Latest update adds summary cards to your Gear locker. This allows you to see basic stats about the items you own. It also allows you to filter your gear locker easily by Category, Item Type or Manufacturer by taping the bar graphs like you can already do with the pack summary cards.

Hope you enjoy the update!

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Another update going out tonight to the app stores for approval:

Under the hood fixes mostly for our European friends or anyone not using pounds and ounces. There were some ever slightly small rounding errors when looking at total weight and summary cards for a pack. This update should fix those small rounding errors which add up with a lot of gear.

25 days later

Lately I have been working on a lot of code clean up and back end changes that you all will not really see but will have huge benefits for you all. Unfortunately while doing that I broke the community gear locker search for about 24 hours (Sorry about that). It is now fixed, so please update to the latest version to make sure you have that fix.

Secondly the changes I made in the background was more for me to be able to more quickly conduct admin tasks. If you do not know I screen all the items before they go into the public gear locker, so that it doesn't get crazy with lots of duplicates etc. With the large influx of users lately, I have not been able to keep up with approving gear locker additions, new items are being added to quickly by you all (Thanks!).

In the latest release I can now approve new additions to the community gear locker much quicker!

14 days later

Another small update pushed out today. Live in Android app store, waiting for the iOS review still.

LAtest update adds onboarding to the app. When you first open the app there will be a few screens that give you a high level overview of how the app works. This is to help new users get acquainted with the app quicker.

8 days later

Adding user names! Apologies if you just went through the new onboarding screens, you will need to one more time to set your username ;-)

User names at this time just show up under the pack description on public packs in the "Find Packs" section. This is just the beginning, lots more to come :-)

Currently live on Android, Apple should be live sometime today!

10 days later

Last updates I added usernames, and this update starts to take advantage of them!

Now when viewing a public pack from a user, you will see their username in the bottom left hand corner. You can now tap their username and go to their public user profile. The public user profile is very simple right now and shows a list of that users public packs!

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Much more planned for the user profile in the future!

4 months later

I realized I didn't post the last update in here which I pushed out on 9/23/2024 which added gear notes! You can now add gear notes and filter items by searching gear notes as well:

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Additionally today I pushed another small update that gives user feedback when swipping on a gear item in a pack to mark it as packed. Swipe right to pack and left to un-pack:

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a month later

Fun Christmas update, if you are a pro user who has uploaded images you can now create and share your own Gear Layouts of your pack! Here is mine from my Cactus to Clouds hike:

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You can select the Gear Collage from the 3 dot menu while viewing any pack. It will create the collage on all items with an uploaded image.

It initially create a randomized collage, but you can edit to your liking. Drag images to move them around, pinch and zoom to enlarge or shrink image and rotate them.

I found pinch and zoom difficult on smaller images, so you can tap an image to bring up manual controls for fine tuning. Hope you all enjoy!

Can’t wait to see what gear layouts that you all make from your adventures!

24 days later

New update live for Android and pending approval for iOS! You can now wishlist items while browsing public packs. There have been a number of times where I have been browsing another pack in the app and thought to myself I would love that piece of gear, or that looks cool I want to look into it more. Now you can tap the item and then add it to your wish list.

Additionally while browsing others packs you would only see the gear name, manufacturer, quantity and weight. Some times you had no idea what the item was if it wasn't intuitive from the item name. Now when you tap the item you can get all the details including item type and pack category.

Once you add items to your wish list you can find the list in the app settings!

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