This past week we had some awesome bioluminescent waves come visit us in San Diego! Due to coronavirus, I have not been able to get much photography in so my fiance and I took to the beach and decided to shoot some waves.

I was definitely a little rusty with my camera... but they came out alright.

Overall I was back and forth when shooting, on if I liked the long exposure or the nice crisper waves of a little bit faster exposure.

I think I liked the crisper waves but unfortunately was ramping up to 64,000 ISO for some of these photos which became way too noisy.

I think next time I need to get there right at sunset and shoot with a little bit more light out. Not sure if the waves will be as bright but definitely worth a shot next time I get to shoot Bioluminescent waves at the beach!

All photos shot on a Sony A9 with Tamron 28-75mm using peak Design Travel Tripod.

If you have any tips or suggestions please let me know!

MikeJones changed the title to Shooting the Bioluminescent Blue Waves in San Diego .
3 months later